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In New Zealand, please contact Ross Hughson on +64 29 890 2220 or For Partner support, please use
Improved Safety and Security
People counting and ID checking to manage staff/ customer entry and exit
Alerts on people of interest or unknown/ unidentified people
Improve site design to optimise traffic flow and safety
Mask detection/ face detection while wearing masks
Compliance and contact tracing

IMAGUS Facial Recognition
Vix Vizion’s Imagus Facial Recognition System delivers fast accurate face detection, matching, and recognition using advanced deep learning algorithms. Imagus is effective with high or low densities of people in frame, even with poorly lit, poor quality, angled or obstructed views. Imagus is easy to deploy and operate with intuitive UI’s for operation and management. Imagus can be deployed stand alone or integrated with your VMS as a local, distributed or cloud based solution.

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